Superior Oblique Muscle Eye Restriction


A neon sign that says fh in blue.

Superior Oblique Muscle Restriction


Superior Oblique Muscle and Brown’s Syndrome  ~ Kaden’s Story

This is Kaden’s story about the Superior Oblique Muscle, Brown’s Syndrome Symptoms and how we balanced his eye’s.

February 22, 2015

“Our son, Kaden, was complaining of double vision and headaches for a few months before he was diagnosed with Brown’â„¢s Syndrome. The Pediatric, Strabismus, Neuro and General Ophthalmologist specialist he was seeing recommended a wait and see approach and then eye surgery if his symptoms didn’t worsen in 6 months.

We as parents could not wait and watch our otherwise healthy and happy child suffer from debilitating headaches for 6 months! Kaden’â„¢s behavior was changing, his patience was running low, he was acting out at school, and unfortunately his little sister was getting the brunt of his frustration.

We also wanted to find a more natural approach to help our son. After hours on google and forums researching Brown’â„¢s Syndrome and ways to cope we found Felisa Holmberg. Her previous success with Brown’â„¢s Syndrome gave us hope and we quickly set up an appointment to meet. Felisa was so helpful and reassuring during our communication before our first meeting letting us know what to expect and making Kaden feel at ease.

When our son met Felisa he warmed right up to her open demeanor and quickly settled in for the session. He felt relaxed and comfortable, able to remain focused and in the moment for the entire 1.5 hour session. During the appointment Kaden had many reflex like movements going on that he would not normally do. Felisa later explained that his body was adjusting to the tension being released in his brain. Kaden left the appointment in good spirits and feeling bright.

During the week to come we noticed changes in his eye movement. He could now look up with full range of motion in both eyes though it still hurt. He seemed happier and no longer complained of headaches, his relationship with his sister was on the mend and his teachers noticed that he had much more patience and focus at school. It has been a few weeks since the appointment now and I am now noticing that he has full range of motion in both eyes and is not complaining of any pain. His energy levels are amazing and he is back to all of his extra curricular activities with no problems.

We will be seeing Felisa again to continue her work with Kaden and look forward to more success.”

3/3/15 UPDATE:

“We had our checkup yesterday and the doctors were shocked at how much better his eyes are!! Kaden did amazing with every test they gave him. I hope this helps you get the word out. I told the doctors what you have done for him but she seemed uninterested and said it was probably the Advil. It’s a shame they are not more open to natural healing. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help. I have just put the paperwork in to update our passports and then we will be coming down for another visit. Looking forward to seeing you again.” Stephanie and Matt

Read more about Felisa’s Work with the superior oblique muscle,  Brown’s Syndrome And Head Trauma

Brown’s Syndrome or Head Trauma?

I have studied other ways of working with the body that has influenced my root training of Rolfing Structural Integration. Rolfing Structural Integrationin itself, is powerfully transformative and healing. Incorporating, Visceral Manipulation and Biodynamic CranioSacral therapy has increased the effectiveness I can have on the body in a gentle way that touches the deepest layers of the body releasing patterns of strain that just working on the outer layers doesn’t quite contact. Over the years and after my own personal experience with brain trauma, I’ve discovered that I can literally work on and deep into the brain.

Recently, I gave an appointment to a young client that had taken a bad fall on his head when he was 2 years old. By the age of 3, he started showing signs of what was later diagnosed at Brown Syndrome.
After hearing the doctor say the only possible solution was surgery to stretch the ligament in the eye, the mother brought her son to me. Now 10 years old, the eye problem caused him to carry his head tipped to the right in order to see level.

When I laid my hands on his head and connected with his brain, I felt a distinct pull in his head the was pulling his brain back and around the right side to the left side of his head. It took about 1 hour and the fascial strain slowly released, releasing his brain and allowing the brain to come back into balance. His mother walked over to the table and checked the movement in his eyes and said his right eye was now able to track her finger. It had released his eye about 85% . His mother reported back a week later that he wasn’t tipping his head to the right anymore and his eyes were tracking normally still.

His next appointment, a month later, I found adhesions on the outer layers of facsial (connective tissue) on the back of the right side of his head and going down his neck. He is continuing to improve and will receive his third appointment with me next week. I’ll update on his improvements as we go.

This experience leaves me wondering if other people diagnosed with Brown’s Syndrome would respond to this work as well. This boy did have an actual fall that most likely caused his problem, but there are many types of trauma’s that can happen to us but this got me thinking about birth trauma and wondering how many people diagnosed with Brown’s Syndrome might have a birth trauma. I would love to lay my hands on their heads to see if there are adhesions or fascial strains causing these symptoms for them as well.