Beck- Brown’s Syndrome
August 22, 2017
Beck is doing so well. It took some time to determine the actual improvement in his vision, but now it’s apparent that the improvement is profound. He read and typed up book reports on three classic (read long, small print) novels for summer school work. He still does not have full range of motion in his left eye but the movement is significantly improved and he claims to never have double vision anymore. I would be delighted to act as a reference for your work anytime and will post a testimonial on Little Four Eyes later this week.
Update: 02/01/18
Beck’s eyes are so much improved, they almost seem to have equal range of motion.
His treatments weren’t a magic wand erasing all of his struggles but I cannot imagine where we would be right now if he was still trying to manage life with Brown Syndrome.Now that his vision is improved we’re tackling his issues with ADHD, an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex and his academic delays from years of seeing double. Have you done work with children with ADHD?
We would love to see you again when you come to Texas. When do you think that will be?
All the best,
2/1/18 Beck’s Testimonial age 10
“My eyes were always hurting so I spent a lot of time closing one eye so I wouldn’t see double. I had trouble looking at papers and staying focused on reading and stuff. Finally, my mom said that I needed to get surgery and that was the only option left. Then we found out that it wasn’t the only option. We could do cranial sacral therapy and that helped a lot. Now I can focus on what’s going on in school. I have more interest in reading and math is a lot is easier. There is less strain on my eyes and I don’t have headaches.”